Monday, 4 April 2011

thoughts on coverage on Japan crisis

The thing that really bugs me about the coverage on the Japan tsunami is how hysterical news programs tend to take away from the fact that people are suffering in Japan. The thing that bugs me even more is when journalists like Dan Chung of the Guardian posts a video like this one on the aftermath of the tsunami and people criticize him for exploiting the suffering of others. I think that is complete bull. It is important for videos like the one Chung posted to surface because people often forget that there is suffering going on behind all the hysterics and theatrics that the news tends to exacerbate without limit in order to keep viewers glued to their t.v. sets. Chung has been criticized for making a theatrical rendition of Japanese suffering and that videos like this one should not be made in a way that is a kind of entertainment..... While I do agree that the video is almost Hollywood like, I do not agree that there is anything wrong with that. Anyone who watches a video like that for pure entertainment has something wrong with them to begin with. Story after story, nuclear physicist after nuclear physicist has told viewers that even the worst case scenario of nuclear meltdown in Japan will have no effect on North America.
Why can't that be enough for North Americans to shut up and think about the situation in terms of others and not themselves? It doesn't always have to be about us!    


  1. I completely agree. We never seem to care what's going on with others, if anything like this disaster happened in North America would would EXPECT everyone else to line up and help us and care and feel our pain. Why don't we extend the same courtesy?? Why does it ONLY matter what is going on in our own little lives? What will it take before we finally realize there are more important things, like helping people that are suffering immensely. Regardless of where in the world they are.

  2. I agree with this as well. Another point that goes along with this is the increased emphasis on the nuclear plants and a decrease in news on the people living/surviving in Japan. We hear on the news that we might slightly be affected by the nuclear plants and then that's all anyone talks about. Hello! What about all the people that have lost loved ones, their homes and just there way of life. Shouldn't we care a little bit more about that then a tiny bit of harmless radiation that just might be in the rain of a couple days? I mean sure we can be concerned however I think our first concern should turn to those in desperate need.
